Forum London 2022

Register now
November 7, 2022
From 5pm to 10pm
Événement terminé

Event details

WeYield's REVENUE MANAGEMENT FORUM is a unique moment dedicated to car rental professionals who want to improve their performance and get inspired!

Practical information

Sessions in 
November 7, 2022
From 5pm to 10pm
Good Hotel, Excel, London
Register now


These meetings combine collective highlights, small group sessions, conferences and of course, opportunities to meet in a friendly context:

  • Practical and productivity workshops to be both more efficient and more serene in your yield practice
  • Demos, focus and tips to get the most out of WeYield features and maximize your business profitability
  • Peer-to-peer discussions, experience sharing to compare and contrast your practices
  • Thematic conferences to "open your chakras" and manage your daily life more serenely

You think you can progress in your business, you are looking for solutions and examples of best practices to achieve your goals?

Our last event

What they said about this event

Special 10 years event not to be missed! Sharing, conviviality and ... a big gift for one of you!
Emmanuel Scuto CEO

Our experts

Sabina Kubicova
Yield Customer Success Manager at WeYield

The WeYield applications are super comprehensive and detailed to dive deep into the analysis. But the difficulty is having multiple tabs open to go through the different features.

Sabina will introduce a new module called Updater. This is a central control panel that allows you to instantly view all key performance indicators in 30 seconds and optimize your business.

It was designed following feedback from customers on how they use the different modules of the applications.

Christian Cadéré

Since 2019, WeYield has been working on building a forecasting model to more accurately anticipate your future car rental business.Christian, WeYield's CTO, has developed an AI-based algorthmic model that has been tested by various customers.

During this roundtable, Christian and his guests will talk about the utilization of the forecast in their daily operations to get a direct feedback in improving the performance.

Anne-Claire Levrault
Learning Center and Office Manager

Anne-Claire has a long experience in pedagogy before joining WeYield. In addition to her administrative tasks, she is in charge of building the new learning center of WeYield.

She will present the reason why we have decided to create a new pedagogy system and will present how it will be structured.

Emmanuel Scuto

Comparing the portfolio of activity with last year or any other reference year, is important. But what if it would be possible to compare it with the objective of the year?

Emmanuel will present the concept of the Budget to be built directly into the Apps with all the data already stored. This budget will be used to simulate your sales action plan for the year to come. Isn't it nice?

Special 10 years event not to be missed! Sharing, conviviality and ... a big gift for one of you!
Emmanuel Scuto CEO

Getting to the event

Sessions in 
November 7, 2022
From 5pm to 10pm
Good Hotel, Excel, London
Register now

Master your Success

New techniques and tools during workshops
Deep dive into data and real optimization situations
Eperience and study cases between peers

Our upcoming events

Are you ready to work with more efficiency and in a relaxed way?

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