
Bienvenue à un autre épisode de notre podcast, présenté par WeYield, la première société de revenue management dédiée à l'industrie de la location de voitures.

Aujourd'hui, nous échangeons avec Alexandre Devanne, consultant en stratégie de prix. Il a travaillé dans le tourisme mais aussi auprès de grands manufacturiers pneumatiques, foyer d'une intense compétition sur les prix.

Principaux enseignements de cet épisode

Quand la tactique consiste à simplement augmenter les prix, le risque est de venir heurter la valeur perçue par le client et de ne pas atteindre les résultats globaux. Sur le marché du pneu automobile, la concurrence est intense. Mais la perception premium par le client permet d'avoir une différence prix forte par rapport à la concurrence.

Pour réussir, il est essentiel de se pencher sur les attributs de valorisation : ce qui différencie par rapport à la concurrence mais qui est valorisé par le consommateur pour être converti en prix. Tester la perception prix permet de mesurer l'élasticité des clients au prix : un changement de prix ne coûte rien, est facile et très rapide à mettre en oeuvre.

L'augmentation des prix n'enclenche pas forcément une fuite du volume lorsque le produit et la marques sont supportés par le marketing et la communication associée via les attributs de valorisation. Une cartographie de ces attributs prend seulement quelques semaines. Cela peut être fait en interne

La promotion n'est pas du pricing mais un mécanisme commercial de simulation temporaire de la demande habillé par le marketing. Un outil pricing est une option pour simuler l'élasticité de prix. Pour être efficace, il doit être contrôler par un pricer. Il y a toujours quelqu'un qui va prendre une décision sur le prix mais c'est malheureusement rarement une fonction dédiée.

La verticalité du prix permet gérer une différenciation fine. L'exemple du pricing Décathlon est est une référence dans le domaine. Segmenter l'offre permet d'offre plus de service associé au prix. Le gain possible est entre +3 et +8% de marge.

Les aptitudes pour être un bon revenue management : aimer la data, la manipuler, la formater tout en sachant prendre du recul pour garder à l'esprit comment la décision va être interpréter par le client sur le marché cible.

Poins de discussion

Valeur perçue : c'est la clé de la mesure de l'impact prix

Avez-vous pensé aux attributs de valorisation?

La promotion, il ne s'agit pas de pricing !

📌  Chapitres

  • 00:00:00 présentation d'Alexandre
  • 00:17:50 Rester customer centric et les attributs de valeur
  • 00:30:10 Tester la perception en jouant avec les prix
  • 00:40:10 Comment réaliser des tests d'attributs de valorisation
  • 00:52:40 Attention à l'impact de la promotion permanente
  • 00:58:04 A quoi sert un outil pricing
  • 01:08:00 Pourquoi la fonction prix est-elle si peu développée
  • 01:14:00 L'exemple du pricing chez Decathlon
  • 01:27:50 Comment devenir un bon pricer
  • 01:39:01 Le challenge pricing d'Alexandre

Welcome to another episode of our podcast, proudly brought to you by WeYield, the premier revenue management company dedicated to the car rental industry.

In this episode of our podcast, proudly brought to you by WeYield, the premier revenue management company dedicated to the car rental industry, we explore the intricate dynamics of mindset and strategy in the car rental business with Adrian Treacy.

Adrian, who has over 15 years of experience in the industry, working for Enterprise and Sixt in Ireland in roles spanning Operations, Channel Management, and Sales, discusses his transition from the bustling front office to the introspective back office—a move that prompted deep career reflection.

Key Insights from this Episode:

Operational Role in Customer Service: Adrian reflects on how car rental operations are often the first interaction customers have after long flights, underscoring the operations' significance in shaping customer experiences.

The Influence of Thought: Adrian delves into the transformative power of thought, sharing statistics on how people’s perceptions shape their realities. He emphasizes the importance of reprogramming the subconscious mind to foster positive change, noting the mind’s inability to differentiate between reality and imagination.

Strategic Focus: He advises focusing on one’s own business and unique value propositions instead of getting bogged down by competitors.

Adapting to Change: Adrian highlights the necessity of embracing incremental change and recognizing that personal growth involves learning from failures and experimenting with resilient, profitable ventures.

Goal Setting and Visualization: Outlining the types of goals—A, B, and C—Adrian stresses the importance of pursuing goals driven by deep desires and the role of mental visualization as a powerful tool for achieving these objectives.

Discussion Topics:

System vs. Mind: The balance between systematic operations and the mental frameworks that guide them.

Dealing with Uncertainty: How to navigate the extreme volatility of the car rental market.

Experience and Change: The impact of past experiences on one’s capacity to adapt to change and the discomfort that accompanies it.

Setting a New Mindset: Steps to develop a new mindset conducive to innovation in the industry.

📌  Timeline

  • 00:00:00 Adrian Treacy introduction
  • 00:19:20 How the mindset approach got started
  • 00:34:30 Revenue management and mindset
  • 00:47:14 Setting a new paradygm, our new mental software
  • 00:53:45 How to overcome fear as a driver not to start
  • 01:13:14 3 types of goals A, B, C till the end

Welcome to another episode of our podcast, proudly brought to you by WeYield, the premier revenue management company dedicated to the car rental industry.

Dans cet épisode, nous explorons les défis et les innovations de la gestion tarifaire flexible avec Guillaume Géry, un expert qui, depuis 2000, a transformé la tarification fixe en yield management dynamique pour l'industrie de la location de voitures. En tenant compte des variations de la demande et de la saisonnalité, Guillaume a su repenser l'organisation de ses entreprises pour maximiser les revenus et optimiser les opérations.

Points Clés de Cet Épisode :

Transition vers le Yield Management : Guillaume explique comment il a réussi cette transition, en soulignant l'importance d'accompagner les collaborateurs et d'intégrer des systèmes d'information performants pour soutenir l'innovation.

Coûts et Bénéfices : Bien que la mise en œuvre du yield management engendre des coûts initiaux, les bénéfices à long terme, tant financiers qu'en termes de compétences des collaborateurs, sont considérables.

Équilibre Humain-Machine : L'importance de trouver un équilibre entre intervention humaine et automatisation, permettant aux machines de gérer les tâches exécutives tout en préservant le rôle stratégique de l'humain.

Qualités d'un Bon Yield Manager : La capacité à prendre le temps nécessaire pour comprendre les enjeux, ajuster les stratégies, et la nécessité d'une forte volonté et d'un état d'esprit proactif pour exceller dans ce domaine.

Rejoignez-nous pour découvrir comment Guillaume Géry a façonné le paysage du yield management dans la location de voitures, transformant les défis en opportunités pour une gestion plus efficace et profitable.

📌  Timeline

  • 00:00:00 Présentation de Guillaume Gery
  • 00:15:35 Accès aux data et nouvelles mentalitésles : les débuts du yield
  • 00:28:20 Yield : gains financiers et nouvelles compétences
  • 00:40:54 Sois fainéant et laisse travailler la machine.
  • 00:57:08 Le profil du bon revenue manager
  • 01:10:03 Comment continuer à apprendre ?
  • 01:19:15 le conseil de Guillaume à Guillaume

Welcome to another episode of our podcast, proudly brought to you by WeYield, the premier revenue management company dedicated to the car rental industry.

Dans cet épisode, nous explorons le monde de la gestion tarifaire avec Elise Ripoche, fondatrice de J'Affiche Complet, une initiative visant à aider les propriétaires de locations saisonnières à optimiser leur grille tarifaire et leur distribution. Forte de 20 ans d'expérience dans l'optimisation des revenus acquise chez Club Med, Louvre Hotels et dans le secteur des médias, Elise applique ses compétences à l'immobilier avant de se lancer dans ce projet innovant.

Points clés de cet épisode :

Le parcours d'Elise : Découverte des techniques de yield management dans divers secteurs avant d'appliquer ces méthodes à la location saisonnière.

Défis du yield management : Deux obstacles humains principaux sont identifiés, la réticence à déléguer cette tâche à un expert par certains et la perception d'une perte de responsabilité par d'autres.

Importance de la vision partagée : L'importance de clarifier les objectifs globaux et de comprendre les attentes de toutes les parties prenantes pour aligner les stratégies.

Caractéristiques d'un bon Gestionnaire de Revenus :

Compétences en communication : Capable d'évangéliser les concepts de gestion des revenus, tant en interne qu'en externe.

Capacité de pilotage du changement : Approche pédagogique nécessaire pour diriger le changement.

Attention aux résultats : Focalisation sur la qualité des résultats obtenus.

Aptitude pour les chiffres : Excellente maîtrise d'Excel et rigueur dans le traitement des données.

Esprit critique : Capacité à remettre en question les pratiques établies pour innover.

Rejoignez-nous pour découvrir comment Elise Ripoche transforme l'approche traditionnelle de la gestion des revenus pour maximiser l'efficacité et l'innovation dans le secteur des locations saisonnières.

📌  Timeline

  • 00:00:00 Présentation d'Elise Ripoche
  • 00:07:35 Les débuts en optimisation d'achat d'espaces publicitaires et dans l'hôtelerie
  • 00:28:20 C'est quoi un bon revenue manager? Comment adresser le travail en distanciel?
  • 00:43:50 Le why de J'Affiche Complet et l'approche de la tarification dans des projets de vie
  • 00:54:00 Le How de J'Affiche Complet et la prise de risque avec le Rdv de la location saisonnière
  • 01:05:45 Comment vulgariser le Revenue Management?
  • 01:17:15 L'accompagnement humain avec un expert et le peer-training
  • 01:23:55 Le feedback de l'équipe et les mastermind pour continuer de s'améliorer
  • 01:29:15 Le conseil d'Elise aujourd'hui à la Elise d'hier

Welcome to another episode of our podcast, proudly brought to you by WeYield, the premier revenue management company dedicated to the car rental industry.

In this episode, we explore the transformative journey of Arturs, a seasoned professional with 25 years in the car rental industry, whose career began at Avis in Latvia. His profound understanding of transport economics led to a visionary thesis predicting the transition from car ownership to rental models. With experiences ranging from founding a luxury car club in Russia to impactful roles in the US and Italy, Arturs has significantly shaped the sector's approach to electronic distribution and online markets.

Key Insights from this Episode:

Visionary Beginnings: Arturs’ early work at Avis and his groundbreaking thesis on rental models set the stage for his future innovations in the industry.

Critique of Legacy Brands: Arturs criticizes well-established brands for their slow adaptation to online potentials, relying heavily on their long-standing reputations.

Contrasting Strategies: He highlights the distinct approaches between companies like Sixt and Enterprise, who prioritize customer-centric strategies, and others that fail to fully leverage online markets.

Global Pricing Variations: The episode discusses how pricing strategies differ significantly between the US and Europe, influencing everything from sales tactics to customer interactions.

Broker Impact and Challenges: Brokers have revolutionized the industry through adept online marketing, yet some struggle with market saturation and the escalating demands of technology.

Innovative Sales Approaches: Recent expansions in affiliation programs have been driven by seasoned managers from established brands, who bring new sales strategies to the table.

Digital Transformation: The industry's evolution is characterized by a clash between traditional approaches and innovative disruptors, leading to more cost-effective, tech-driven rental models.

📌  Timeline

  • 0:00:00 to 0:08:05 Introduction of Arturs
  • 0:06:20 to 0:14:35 Entrepreneurship in Russia called Garage #1
  • 0:14:35 to 0:23:35 First mistake of the big brands
  • 0:23:35 to 0:28:20 Sixt is on a different path
  • 0:28:20 to 0:30:35 Difference between a franchise in Europe and the same brand in US
  • 0:38:45 to 0:52:08 Are all the brokers efficient and profitable?
  • 0:52:08 to 1:03:45 Residual value scisor effect
  • 1:03:45 to 1:14:50 Affiliation brands expanding
  • 1:14:50 to 1:31:05 Control the techno, use it as a servant for the customer satisfaction
  • 1:31:05 to end : Wrap-up and final insights.

Welcome to another episode of our podcast, proudly brought to you by WeYield, the premier revenue management company dedicated to the car rental industry.

In this episode, Adrian Treacy, Customer Success Manager at WeYield, delves into the critical importance of having a robust continuity plan in place for car rental businesses. Given that pricing strategies and execution often hinge on key individuals, Adrian discusses what happens when such essential personnel suddenly become unavailable, and how it can dramatically affect your company’s performance and channel management.

Key Insights from this Episode:

Understanding the Risks: Adrian emphasizes the potential disruptions in yield management and sales performance that can occur if crucial personnel are unexpectedly absent.

Strategic Planning: He shares a clear four-step approach to anticipate and prepare for unforeseen events that could impact critical operations within your business.

Cross-Training: Equip team members with the skills to handle multiple roles, enhancing flexibility within your operations.

Succession Planning: Identify and develop potential replacements for key roles, ensuring that your business can continue smoothly without any hitches.

Documentation and Knowledge Sharing: Maintain updated procedures and encourage ongoing documentation to keep all team members well-informed.

Proactive Processes: Implement processes that continuously identify and support key roles essential to daily operations.

Implementing the Continuity Plan:

Conduct a Risk Assessment: Evaluate potential vulnerabilities within your organization to better prepare for possible disruptions.

Develop a Business Continuity Team: Assemble a dedicated team responsible for managing and updating the continuity plan.

Regular Review and Updates: Continually assess and refine the plan to ensure it meets the evolving needs of the business.

Testing Effectiveness: Regularly test the plan in simulated scenarios to gauge its effectiveness and make necessary adjustments.

Communication and Education: Keep all teams informed about the continuity strategies and educate them on their roles within these plans.

Embrace the Unexpected: Adrian underscores the importance of being prepared with automated systems to minimize operational disruptions in case a key staff member is suddenly unavailable.

This episode provides valuable strategies for car rental businesses to safeguard against potential disruptions, ensuring continuous and effective operations no matter what challenges may arise.

📌  Timeline

  • 0:00:00 - 0:08:00: Introduction to Adrian Treacy and the concept of business continuity in car rentals.
  • 0:08:00 - 0:22:00: The risks of reliance on key individuals and the impact of their sudden absence.
  • 0:22:00 - 0:40:00: Detailed discussion on the four steps of creating an effective continuity plan.
  • 0:40:00 - 1:00:00: Practical tips for implementing and maintaining a continuity plan.
  • 1:00:00 to End: Conclusion and final thoughts on preparing for the unexpected.

Welcome to another episode of our podcast, proudly brought to you by WeYield, the premier revenue management company dedicated to the car rental industry.

Join us in this episode as we delve into the intricate world of pricing automation with Julie Flores, co-founder and COO of Rate Highway, a company at the forefront of pricing automation for the last 22 years.

Key Insights from this Episode:

Rate Highway's Role in Pricing Automation: Since its inception in 1999, Rate Highway has revolutionized the car rental industry by introducing software as a service, which has greatly enhanced accessibility and ease of maintenance.

Understanding Market Dynamics: Julie discusses how the continuous monitoring of rates is essential due to the dynamic nature of pricing in the car rental industry, especially with the contrasting simplicity in Europe and complexity with brokers.

The Importance of Automated Updates: Automated pricing updates are crucial for easing manual management and enhancing revenue through proactive analysis.

Successful Revenue Management: The strategy behind Rate Highway’s success can be encapsulated in the '3C's': collection, comparison, and correction. Julie emphasizes the importance of prioritizing data refinement to optimize daily operations.

Strategic Pricing Implementation: Starting with a simple strategy and progressively integrating advanced features is advisable. Even minimal time commitments towards pricing optimization can lead to substantial financial returns. Simplifying tactics and setting clear objectives are vital for staying profitable, especially with the advent of AI-driven pricing tools.

Explore the strategies that have kept Rate Highway at the top of the pricing automation game and gain insights into the future of technology in pricing within the car rental industry in this informative episode.

📌  Timeline

  • 0:00:00 to 0:08:00 Introduction of Julie Flores
  • 0:06:20 to 0:09:20 History of Rate Highway started 1999
  • 0:09:20 to 0:18:05 Comparison between US and Europe way of managing their price
  • 0:18:05 to 0:22:45 Why using automatic rate updating system
  • 0:22:45 to 0:30:35 How does Rate Monitor work
  • 0:30:35 to 0:42:40 Start simple for a successful pricing strategy
  • 0:42:40 to 0:56:40 Avoid these pitfalls
  • 0:56:40 to 1:01:05 AI and machine learning in automatic pricing
  • 1:01:05 to end Wrap-up and future insights.

What inspired Vassilis to venture into creating and operating software specifically tailored for car rental businesses?

What motivates him both personally and as a leader?

What key milestones mark his successful journey spanning three decades?

Vassilis Devletoglou is the Founder and CEO of Wheelsys, a Greek software company specializing in the management of various car rental operations.

Why did he choose the car rental industry in his early twenties during the late 90s? It was during his master's program in technology and yield management that he discovered the complexity and fascination of car rental operations. In December 2003, he introduced the first functional software that clients could fully utilize.

"The disparity in quality between Vassilis personally handling a task and micromanaging a team to do it his way is merely 5%." However, this micromanagement consumes opportunities for business expansion. Granting the Wheelsys team autonomy allows the company to operate successfully on its own.

The success isn't solely attributed to Wheelsys being good software, but rather to their ongoing commitment to creativity and weekly updates, continuously enhancing their operating system. They are not content with staying within their comfort zone. As an example, Vassilis Devletoglou made the bold decision to transition Wheelsys entirely to a web-based version, while many competitors still operated on local servers or maintained both options.

How do you prepare for such a significant change in the operating system? A successful migration begins with management's commitment to the switch and a thorough understanding of internal strengths and weaknesses. It goes beyond merely signing a contract and paying a fee. Success hinges on the team's dedication, supported by the management team. It requires stepping out of the company's comfort zone, and it's essential not to expect operations to continue in the same way as before. Engaging a consulting firm can significantly facilitate communication between the client and the supplier.

"Let make things by the staff that technology can not do.

Here are some highlights from this episode:

  • Explore the process of conceptualizing and developing his initial software version, v0.00.001.
  • Understand the significance of early supporters who believed in Vassilis' vision.
  • Discover George, Vassilis' alter-ego.
  • Learn about the concept of the Genie zone as an alternative to traditional job offers.
  • Receive valuable tips on effectively managing a successful operating system migration.
  • Embrace the idea of breaking out of the comfort zone.

This podcast is produced by WeYield, the revenue management company dedicated to the car rental industry.

📌 Timeline

  • 0:00:00 to 0:08:00 Introduction of Vassilis Devletoglou
  • 0:08:00 to 0:17:00 Vassilis history as software engineer who focused on car software
  • 0:17:00 to 0:26:40 Vassilis first rental experiences in 2001 to explore the process
  • 0:26:40 to 0:36:15 2004, Olympic games and first 5 clients followed by 30
  • 0:36:15 to 0:42:30 Hiring: no coincidence in two persons matching
  • 0:42:30 to 0:52:00 Sharing values but no micro-managing
  • 0:52:00 to 1:04:45 Internationalization and migration as a webapp
  • 1:04:45 to :25:10 How to prepare a system migration with success
  • 1:25:10 to 1:43:45 The future of the operating system
  • 1:04:45 to 1:52:28 Impact of electric fleet
  • 1:52:28 to end How does Vassilis continue to learn, conclusion

Welcome to another episode of our podcast, proudly brought to you by WeYield, the premier revenue management company dedicated to the car rental industry.

In this insightful episode of our podcast, Karan Sood, an authority on pricing strategies with a prolific career across various industries including automobiles, Yellow Pages, health products, and currently leading pricing excellence at Rakuten for the Kobo reader, shares his expertise on how even basic items like water or car rentals can be elevated beyond mere commodities into valuable brand assets.

Key Insights from the Episode:

Understanding Pricing Psychology: Karan explains the dual mental processes that guide our pricing decisions—rapid, instinctual reactions focused on price, and slower, more deliberate evaluations of a product’s value proposition, including psychological influences.

The Art of Brand Building: Learn why strong brands are cultivated on proprietary platforms and through exceptional service, not merely through third-party brokers. Karan emphasizes that building a brand requires significant time and financial investment.

Targeted Customer Approach: Instead of trying to appeal to all customer segments at once, Karan advises focusing on attracting either low-value, mid-value, or high-value customers with tailored strategies.

Loss Aversion: Karan discusses how humans are generally more sensitive to losses than to the prospect of equivalent gains, a critical factor in pricing strategies.

This podcast is proudly produced by WeYield, the revenue management company dedicated to elevating the car rental industry.

📌  Timeline

  • 0:00:00 to 0:06:00 Introduction of Karan Sood
  • 0:06:00 to 0:19:00 100% as pricer in a wide range of sectors
  • 0:19:00 to 0:27:40 Everything is a commodity if you leave the space for a commodity
  • 0:27:40 to 0:37:55 Do the operators competete on price or on the realvalue proposition?
  • 0:37:55 to 0:54:00 Brand building is off the transaction, much earlier
  • 0:54:00 to 1:12:00 Understand the "good, better and best" concept
  • 1:12:00 to 1:20:00 Do not be shy to do A/B testing in price1:20:00 to the end conclusion

Welcome to another episode of our podcast, proudly brought to you by WeYield, the premier revenue management company dedicated to the car rental industry.

Dans cet épisode du podcast, Emmanuel Scuto, fondateur et PDG de WeYield, discute avec Denis Maure, co-associé et Directeur Général de Sepamat, le premier franchisé Europcar en France. Ils explorent en détail le projet ambitieux de migration du système ERP de Sepamat, âgé de 40 ans, vers la solution moderne Wheels.

Principaux sujets abordés:

Pourquoi et comment changer de système ERP ? Les raisons derrière la nécessité de mettre à jour leur système opérationnel et la méthode suivie pour réussir cette transition.

Étapes clés du projet : Comment Sepamat a structuré les phases du projet pour assurer une transition fluide.

Gestion d'équipe : Stratégies pour organiser et motiver les équipes internes tout au long du projet.

Facteurs de succès : Les éléments cruciaux qui ont contribué au succès de ce projet de migration.

Contexte et Défis de Sepamat:

Sepamat, pionnier de la mobilité automobile dans l'ouest de la France, gère une flotte de 7000 véhicules avec un chiffre d'affaires de 60 millions d’euros, opérant sous les marques Europcar, LocEco et Marguerite. Confrontée à l'obsolescence de son système ERP après quatre décennies, l'entreprise a dû agir rapidement.

Processus de Migration:

Audit et Choix de Solution : Un audit interne, réalisé avec l'aide d'un consultant de Next Décision, a précédé le choix de Wheels par Invensys, une plateforme dédiée à la location de voitures.

Gestion de Projet : Coordination des multiples interfaces, révisions du site web, et gestion des données étaient essentielles. Des réunions hebdomadaires et un comité de projet régulier ont facilité le suivi.

Adaptations et Formation : Les adaptations nécessaires ont été effectuées en interne, avec une gestion efficace de la barrière linguistique.

Planification du Lancement : Initialement prévu pour fin février 2021, le lancement a été reporté au week-end de Pâques pour optimiser les ressources.

Résultats et Impacts : Le projet ne s'est pas limité à une mise à jour logicielle; il a transformé organisationnellement Sepamat, exigeant une disponibilité considérable des équipes (50% de leur temps). Le succès du lancement a été marqué par une augmentation de l'efficacité et de la productivité, permettant de nouvelles avancées, notamment un meilleur suivi des impacts sur le back-office.

Découvrez dans cet épisode comment Sepamat a navigué à travers les défis d'une migration ERP et les leçons tirées qui pourraient bénéficier à d'autres dans l'industrie.

📌  Timeline

  • 0:00:00 à 0:05:40 introduction de Denis Maure, présentation de Sepamat Europcar Atlantique
  • 0:05:40 à 0:9:15 pourquoi changer de PMS-système opérationnel ?
  • 0:9:15 à 0:17:30 organiser un audit interne pour aider à réaliser le cahier des charges
  • 0:17:30 à 0:28:50 choix de la solution Wheelsys par Invensys avec quels arbitrages
  • 0:28:50 à 0:40:00 comment coordonner tous les intervenants et animer le(s) projet(s)?
  • 0:40:00 à 0:50:00 go live : quelle date ?
  • 0:50:00 à la fin enseignements et résultats tirés de cette migration

Welcome to another episode of our podcast, proudly brought to you by WeYield, the premier revenue management company dedicated to the car rental industry.

In this episode of the WeYield podcast, Emmanuel Scuto, founder and CEO, sits down with Jared Kinnaird, Revenue and Operation Director at Tom Wood Automotive, a Sixt franchisee in the USA. They discuss innovative approaches to revenue management and operational efficiency that helped navigate the tumultuous periods of the 2008 financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Key Discussion Topics:

Crisis Management Lessons: Insights from the 2008 financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting effective strategies to face economic downturns.

Profitability over Utilization: Jared emphasizes the importance of focusing on the revenue per unit per month rather than fleet utilization to maximize profitability.

Operational Adjustments: During COVID-19, Tom Wood Automotive adopted a four-day workweek to cut costs without resorting to layoffs, maintaining fleet size to leverage post-crisis opportunities.

Revenue Management: Shifting focus from high fleet utilization to maximizing daily revenue per car. In 2019, this strategy led to a significant increase in rental revenue at Minneapolis airport, with rental days up 16% and rental revenue up 120%.

Innovative Practices at Tom Wood Automotive:

Fleet Management: Opting for a smaller, better-maintained fleet allows for higher rental rates and reduced operational costs.

Pricing Strategy: Adapting prices based on fleet size and market demand to ensure higher profitability per transaction.

Revenue Optimization: Introduction of the RevCar indicator (revenue per available car) in WeYield apps to monitor performance directly.

Jared Kinnaird’s Insights:

Jared’s approach focuses on improving the revenue per unit each month, by optimizing both pricing and fleet management to enhance profitability.

He shares management strategies such as the "level-10" organizational meeting, which focuses on maximizing operational efficiency and revenue.

📌  Timeline

  • 0:00:00 to 0:07:00 introduction of Jared Kinnaird
  • 0:05:10 to 0:14:20 Learnings from 2008 crisis to prepare 2020-21 Covid
  • 0:14:20 to 0:19:00 Car market perspective on the used car
  • 0:19:00 to 0:36:15 Yield stragegy: reduce utilization to maximize profit. Learn how
  • 0:36:15 to 0:46:00 The management shifted his mindset on making more money on revenue per unit instead of focusing on utilization
  • 0:51:05 to 0:59:00 "level-10" organizational meeting
  • 0:55:30 to 1:20:15 Jared's revenue and general management tips
  • 1:20:15 to end Peer to peer market evolution

Welcome to another episode of our podcast, proudly brought to you by WeYield, the premier revenue management company dedicated to the car rental industry.

In this insightful episode of the WeYield podcast, Emmanuel Scuto, founder and CEO, engages with Julian Espiritu, Managing Director at Abrams Mobility, the premier consulting firm dedicated to the car rental industry for the last 40 years. They delve into the rapidly evolving landscape of car rental and mobility solutions, focusing on innovation and technological integration.

Discussion Highlights:

Innovation in Car Sharing: The pioneering model introduced by ZipCar, which reshaped urban mobility by offering cars reservable by the minute, hour, or day, demonstrating significant urban impact by reducing the number of cars on the road.

Impact of OEM Pressure: How Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) are influencing rental strategies and what this means for the traditional car rental business.

Technological Transformation: The critical role of technology in modernizing the car rental process to meet new consumer expectations and competitive pressures.

About ZipCar:

Founded in 2000 by Antje Danielson and Robin Chase, ZipCar revolutionized car sharing by allowing members to reserve vehicles as needed without the long-term commitment of ownership. Acquired by Avis Budget Group in 2013, ZipCar's model demonstrated that a single shared vehicle could replace up to nine privately owned cars on city streets.

Future Projections:

OEM Influence: How car manufacturers are expected to impact the rental industry over the next 5-10 years.

Consumer Adaptation: How new generations will navigate the evolving constraints in the booking and rental process.

Technological Adoption: Why many traditional car rental operators fear losing ground in the rapidly advancing technological landscape.

Discover how the interplay of technology, consumer expectations, and industry pressures are reshaping the future of car rental in this enlightening episode.

📌  Timeline

  • 0:00:00 to 0:07:00 introduction of Julian Espiritu
  • 0:07:00 to 0:15:45 amazing concept of ZipCar on a TV show late 90's
  • 0:15:45 to 0:32:00 how pricing elasticity was used to optimize the demand in New York
  • 0:32:10 to 0:40:08 ZipCar took off in 2007 before to be acquired by Avis for 500 million USD in 2009.
  • 0:40:08 to 0:48:00 15yrs afterwards, where does the car sharing stand?
  • 0:48:08 to 0:55:30 car rental will change under the pressure of OEM
  • 0:55:30 to 1:08:55 will the legacy car rental operators lose the techno game?
  • 1:08:55 to 1:17:10 how the new generation expects a Tesla-like customer service experience in car rentals
  • 1:17:10 to end : Conclusion and final thoughts.

Welcome to another episode of our podcast, proudly brought to you by WeYield, the premier revenue management company dedicated to the car rental industry.

In this insightful episode, Emmanuel Scuto, founder and CEO of WeYield, delves into a conversation with Nicolas Le Nue, Director of Global & Key Accounts Car at Expedia Group. They explore key factors behind Expedia's dominance in the travel and car rental markets, and the pivotal role of customer experience over mere pricing strategies.

Key Discussion Points:

Pricing Strategies: Nicolas discusses the detrimental cycle of perpetually lowering prices and how it adversely affects customer experience.

Customer Experience: Recognized as the primary focus at Expedia, where enhancing customer satisfaction always takes precedence over competing on prices.

Technological Advancements: The rise of contactless transactions, which not only boost customer loyalty but also open new avenues for upselling directly during the booking process.

Emerging Markets: Insights into peer-to-peer platforms like Turo and the integration of electric vehicles (EV) into the mobility market.

Corporate Culture and Vulnerability: Nicolas shares his philosophy on the importance of expressing vulnerability and the value of sharing diverse viewpoints, drawing from his extensive career starting from 1997 at Europcar to his strategic roles in the UK and with Ebooker (Orbitz Group).

Market Challenges and Changes:

The two-year pandemic significantly disrupted the supply side of car rentals, leading to older cars and reduced service quality as reported by customers, especially in the U.S. market since March 2020.

Shifts in consumer preferences from price sensitivity to valuing flexible cancellation policies and vehicle sanitation post-pandemic.

Discussion on the integration challenges faced by medium and local brands within Expedia’s platform due to technical constraints.

Discover how Expedia continues to lead through innovation in customer experience and technology in this enlightening episode.

📌 Timeline

  • 0:00:00 to 0:10:00 Introduction of Nicolas Le Nue
  • 0:10:00 to 0:18:10 Link between price and customer satisfaction at Expedia
  • 0:18:10 to 0:36:25 Consumer changes since Covid started in March 2020
  • 0:32:25 to 0:48:30 Contactless will be the next step to improve customer satisfaction
  • 0:48:30 to O:53:35 Is it possible to be listed by Expedia if we are not a big brand?
  • 0:53:35 to 0:58:40 Nicolas' perception of the mobility market with electric vehicles EV
  • 0:58:40 to 1:10:05 Differences between a European and an American company
  • 1:10:05 to the end conclusion

Welcome to another episode of our podcast, proudly brought to you by WeYield, the premier revenue management company dedicated to the car rental industry.

In this episode, Emmanuel Scuto, founder and CEO of WeYield, engages with Shady Younis, Director of Sales and Marketing for Advanced Cars in Lebanon. Discover how Shady's scuba diving certification has profoundly influenced his learning and leadership approach, contributing to Advanced Car’s unique blend of revenue management, sales, and marketing strategies.

Background of Advanced Cars:

Founded in the aftermath of the "911" events, Advanced Cars started as a Datsun dealership in Beirut and has evolved into a leading independent car rental service across Lebanon. From its inception, Advanced Cars adopted a hospitality-oriented approach akin to a 5-star hotel, offering amenities and personalized services that helped cultivate a strong word-of-mouth reputation, making up 40% of total rentals.

Operational Growth and Challenges:

Starting with just 30 cars, Advanced Cars has expanded to a fleet of 1400 in 15 years, with significant growth driven by NGO contracts amid Lebanon’s humanitarian crises. Shady navigated the company through various challenges, including seasonal fluctuations and political instability, by strategically shifting from retail to corporate-focused services.

Employee Engagement and Customer Satisfaction:

Shady champions intensive staff involvement in customer service through corporate workshops and satisfaction surveys, ensuring high service standards. His teaching methodology in scuba diving has been mirrored in his management practices, emphasizing that deep understanding comes from dedication and attention.

Social Responsibility:

Advanced Cars is committed to social responsibility, demonstrated through initiatives such as offering free rentals to nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic and providing support following the Beirut harbor explosion. These efforts underscore the company’s role in community support and safety.

📌 Timeline

  • 0:00:00 to 0:06:00 Introduction of Shady Younis
  • 0:06:00 to 0:20:50 The begining of Advanced Cars with 5* hotel service standard
  • 0:29:10 to 0:34:00 Engagement to improve the quality with the staff
  • 0:38:00 to 1:00:30 How did Shady learn about Yield Management?
  • 1:00:30 to 1:12:10 Can scuba diving influence the business change approach?
  • 1:12:10 to 1:18:40 Business values to go beyond customer satisfaction
  • 1:18:40 to 1:23:40 Read, read and read to continue to learn
  • 1:23:40 to the end conclusion

Welcome to another episode of our podcast, proudly brought to you by WeYield, the premier revenue management company dedicated to the car rental industry.

In this insightful episode, Emmanuel Scuto, CEO and Founder of WeYield, sits down with Olivier Jager, co-Founder and CEO of Forwardkeys, for an engaging discussion that spans from Olivier's early entrepreneurial ventures to the innovative data-driven solutions shaping the travel industry today.

Olivier's journey is as dynamic as it is inspiring. From his formative years as a journalist to his entrepreneurial pursuits in the tech industry, Olivier's path has been guided by a relentless curiosity and a passion for harnessing the power of data to drive meaningful insights and solutions.

One of the key insights Olivier shares is the importance of understanding the underlying use case and objectives when leveraging data for optimization. Without a clear understanding of the pain points and objectives, data can often be misused or underutilized.

This understanding led Olivier to co-found Forwardkeys, a pioneering platform that analyzes vast amounts of data from global distribution systems (GDS) to provide invaluable insights into traveler behavior and trends. By leveraging this data, not only are travel professionals able to optimize their strategies, but luxury brands have also tapped into the power of travel data to anticipate consumer behavior and enhance their sales strategies.

Despite his professional success, Olivier emphasizes the importance of maintaining a sense of creativity and exploration in his personal life. Whether it's sailing the seas, exploring mountain trails, or hitting the road on his motorbike, Olivier finds inspiration and rejuvenation in the great outdoors.

As the episode concludes, Olivier reflects on the wisdom he's gained over the years, including the importance of exposing oneself to new experiences and creating value for society.

Join us on this captivating journey with Olivier Jager, where innovation, entrepreneurship, and adventure converge to shape a brighter future for the travel industry and beyond.

For listeners interested in exploring the platforms and resources mentioned in the episode, references include Forwardkeys, Travelclick (now Amadeus Hospitality), WeYield's Air Analytics feature, and Destination Management Organizations (DMOs).

📌 Timeline

  • 0:00:00 to 0:04:35 Introduction of Olivier Jager
  • 0:04:45 to 0:08:20 Foreign language as an intercultural bridge between people
  • 0:02:20 to 0:11:25 Youth in Senegal was a pilar of Olivier's personality
  • 0:11:30 to 0:17:25 Journalism and entrepreneurship in tech at teenage
  • 0:17:25 to 0:24:35 Start at Amadeus was a jump into the travel industry
  • 0:24:35 to 0:30:50 Without a clear objective, solving a paint point with data might be useless.
  • 0:30:50 to 0:41:50 Creation of Forwardkeys using air data to extract a new value from the air
  • 0:41:50 to 0:52:40 How luxury brands are anticipating their sales using travel data
  • 0:52:40 to 1:04:55 Sea, mountain, motor bike : oxygen bubbles
  • 1:04:55 till end  Teenage advices to Olivier : expose yourself and create value to society

Welcome to another episode of our podcast, proudly brought to you by WeYield, the leading revenue management company dedicated to the car rental industry.

In this enlightening episode, Emmanuel Scuto, Founder and CEO of WeYield, engages in a captivating conversation with Marcos del Cid, Managing Director of Niza Cars in Spain. Niza Cars, originally based in Malaga and expanding to Barcelona in 2019, stands out as an independent car rental company with a rich history dating back to the 1960s when it was founded by Marcos' father.

Marcos shares the remarkable journey of Niza Cars, from its humble beginnings to its growth into a local powerhouse and subsequent challenges faced during the internet revolution, leading to bankruptcy in 2014. However, under the stewardship of Moventia, a prominent mobile group in Barcelona, Niza Cars underwent a revival, leveraging its direct channels and innovative marketing strategies to connect with consumers and regain its footing in the market.

A key highlight of Niza's success story has been its pioneering inclusive product, "pay what you get," which emphasizes transparency and clarity for customers, transcending the mere transactional nature of pricing to focus on value and customer satisfaction.

Furthermore, Marcos delves into the evolution of revenue management (RM) at Niza Cars, emphasizing its pivotal role in optimizing operations beyond mere price monitoring. From demand forecasting to pricing pace and macro demand analysis using tools like Air Analytics, RM has become integral to Niza's strategy for profitability and sustainable growth.

But perhaps most inspiring is Marcos' profound appreciation for his team, recognizing every individual's contribution, from car cleaners to rental agents, in driving the company's success. His humble acknowledgment underscores the importance of fostering a cohesive and supportive work environment.

Away from the boardroom, Marcos shares his passion for golf, drawing parallels between the strategic challenges of the sport and the intricacies of running a successful business. His advice to listen more to his father and prioritize self-care resonates deeply, highlighting the importance of continuous learning and personal growth.

Join us as we embark on this insightful journey with Marcos del Cid, exploring the triumphs, challenges, and invaluable lessons learned along the way. For more information about Niza Cars and their innovative products, visit www.nizacars.com/en/.

📌 Timeline:

- 0:00:00 to 0:04:35 Introduction of Marcos del Cid

- 0:04:35 to 0:09:50 Story of Niza Cars starting the 1960's with cars and coaches

- 0:09:50 to 0:16:30 Strong growth from 1995 to 2014 facing internet revolution

- 0:16:30 to 0:21:45 Niza fell into bankrupcy until 2018

- 0:21:45 to 0:35:45 Technology to develop Niza's direct channels, transpartent pricing

- 0:35:45 to 0:45:00 Revenue Management project changed the way Niza is optimizing in 2021

- 0:45:00 to 0:52:00 All staff is crucial for the success of the company from the cleaner to the clerk

- 0:52:00 to 1:02:00 Similarities between playing golf and driving business

- 1:02:00 to 1:11:40 How does Marcos keep learning to progress and become better in life?

- 1:11:40 till end Conclusion


Welcome to another episode of our podcast, brought to you by WeYield, the leading revenue management company dedicated to the car rental industry.

In this captivating episode, Emmanuel Scuto, founder and CEO of WeYield, engages in a stimulating conversation with Alienor Izri, a renowned revenue management consultant in the car rental industry. Based in New Zealand, Alienor brings a wealth of experience and expertise, having been immersed in the realm of car rental optimization since 2015.

Alienor's journey is as fascinating as it is diverse, blending a scientific academic background with a creative passion for various artistic endeavors such as theater and photography. Her relocation to New Zealand marked the beginning of a transformative chapter, as she ventured into the world of car rental with Easy Car Rental.

Throughout the episode, Alienor references her journey with reverence and authenticity, providing a unique perspective on the intersection of creativity, academia, and industry expertise within the car rental landscape.

Don't miss out on this insightful conversation that offers a glimpse into the transformative journey of a revenue management trailblazer in the car rental industry.

📌 Here's a glimpse into the enriching discussion:

  • Introduction of Alienor (0:00:00 to 0:07:50): Emmanuel provides an overview of Alienor's background, tracing her journey from her roots in mathematics to her foray into the car rental industry.
  • Transition to Dynamic Pricing (0:07:50 to 0:11:00): Alienor shares her experience of transitioning Easy Car Rental from static to dynamic pricing, a pivotal moment that revolutionized the company's approach to revenue management.
  • Impact on Company Performance (0:11:00 to 0:17:55): Insights into the tangible results and performance enhancements achieved through the implementation of dynamic pricing strategies.
  • System Upgrades for Scale (0:17:55 to 0:28:35): The evolution of pricing systems to meet the demands of scaling operations, moving beyond Excel-based solutions to more sophisticated platforms.
  • Internal Communication Dynamics (0:28:35 to 0:38:20): The importance of fostering effective communication channels across departments to facilitate alignment and synergy within the organization.
  • Transition to International Brand (0:38:20 to 0:43:35): Alienor reflects on the transition from an independent car rental company to a prominent international brand, navigating the complexities and opportunities inherent in such a transformation.
  • Balancing Work and Freedom (0:43:35 to 1:00:40): A profound exploration of Alienor's personal philosophy and her deliberate choices to reconcile professional commitments with a pursuit of personal freedom.
  • Words of Wisdom (1:00:40 to 1:21:40): Alienor shares invaluable advice gleaned from her experiences, offering insights and reflections that resonate with aspiring professionals.

Welcome to the latest episode of our podcast, brought to you by WeYield, the premier revenue management company dedicated to the car rental industry.

In this insightful episode, Emmanuel Scuto, Founder and CEO of WeYield, sits down with Michael Meyer, Founder and CEO of Rate Highway. Based in Irvine, California, Rate Highway boasts two decades of expertise in automated rate positioning technology for the car rental sector.

Michael's journey in the industry began in the mid-1980s, witnessing firsthand the evolution of technology from his early days with a Commodore computer to the pervasive influence of the internet in our daily lives.

Throughout the episode, Michael shares his wealth of knowledge and experience, offering valuable perspectives on the evolution of technology and its implications for the car rental industry.

📌 Here's a breakdown of the engaging conversation:

  • Introduction of Michael (0:00:00 to 0:05:50): Emmanuel introduces Michael, setting the stage for a captivating discussion.
  • How Programming Became Core to Problem Solving (0:05:50 to 0:08:26): Michael shares insights into the pivotal role of programming in addressing industry challenges.
  • Symmetry Computing: The Early Days (0:08:26 to 0:33:00): Delving into Michael's journey, from the inception of Symmetry Computing to its growth and impact in the industry.
  • The Genesis of Rateshopping: Insights from the Hotel Sector (0:33:00 to 0:42:00): Michael discusses the origins of rateshopping and its adaptation from the hotel industry to car rentals.
  • US Market Dynamics vs. Global Trends (0:42:00 to 1:00:00): A comparative analysis of the US car rental market and its distinctiveness in the global context.
  • Technological Evolution and its Impact on Rate Highway (1:00:00 to 1:12:00): Michael elaborates on the transformative effects of technology on Rate Highway's operations and strategies.
  • Continuous Learning and Growth (1:12:00 to end): Michael reflects on his approach to learning and personal development, offering valuable insights for industry professionals.

Welcome to "The Revenue Machine" podcast, brought to you by WeYield, the premier Revenue Management company dedicated to the car rental industry.

In this episode, Emmanuel Scuto, Founder and CEO of WeYield, invites listeners to explore the dynamic relationship between brokers and car rental companies, offering profound insights into their coexistence within the industry.

Emmanuel delves deep into the intricacies of this relationship, providing a nuanced understanding from both perspectives. He not only illuminates the fundamental differences between car rental operators and brokers but also offers invaluable recommendations for navigating and optimizing this dynamic, often influenced by power dynamics.

Whether you're a seasoned industry professional or an aspiring entrepreneur in the car rental sector, this episode promises to deliver valuable perspectives and actionable strategies for navigating the intricate landscape of broker-car rental company relationships. Tune in for a thought-provoking discussion that could revolutionize your approach to business management in this domain.

📌 Here's a breakdown of the engaging discussion:

  • Introduction (00:50): Emmanuel sets the stage by contextualizing the discussion and outlining the key distinctions between car rental operators and brokers, sharing his unique insights into the matter.
  • Definitions (02:04): Clarification of essential terms and concepts ensures a shared understanding among listeners, laying the groundwork for a meaningful dialogue.
  • Historical Context (03:34): A brief exploration of the historical trajectories of car rental operators (Sixt, Hertz, Avis, Europcar) and online travel agencies (OTAs) like Expedia and Last Minute, alongside prominent brokers such as Booking.com, Rentalcars, and Cartrawler.
  • Contrasts (07:16): Emmanuel sheds light on the disparities between brokers and car rental operators, highlighting the divergent approaches and priorities that shape their operations.
  • Supply Pressures (14:00): An in-depth examination of the challenges and pressures faced by car rental operators, particularly in fleet management amidst evolving market dynamics.
  • WeYield Insights (15:40): Practical tips from WeYield on effectively monitoring broker performance, including key metrics like activity volume and cancellation rates. (For more detailed insights, visit www.weyield.io/)