Market Trends

Car Rental Market Trends under Coronavirus Covid19 – 10th edition, from 15th July to 31st July 2020

Emmanuel Scuto
August 6, 2020

In these difficult times for the tourism industry in general and for the car rental industry, WeYield has decided to aggregate anonymized data from the various clients we have per geographical zone.

The goal is to share some key performance indicators for the months of July and August 2020 from our WeYield Apps. In this ninth edition, we compared the indicators between two reference dates (15th June versus 31st July).

These data have no statistical mean due to limited set of companies but more to step back and enlarge the perspective to other areas on the planet. Hope this helps.

Let’s believe the pick-ups are back.

July – Since mid July we saw an increase in days, but still far behind last year indicating limited lastminute demand.
August – Large increase in days indicates strong demand for this month, RPD is strong at +11% versus last year.

July – Days on rent grew by +9% since Mid July, but final Util of 55% was still behind last year by 26 pts.
August – much stronger demand since Mid July, reflected in days growth (+29%) and slight increase in fleet (+2%).

July – final Util of 77% indicates demand continues to rerun, RPD increased by 5% since Mid July.
August – Fleet has increased by 7%, suggesting better than expected demand, Days on rent grew +54% since Mid July review and RPD increased by 4%, and is now only 3% behind last years RPD at same time. We expect prices to continue to rise.

July – Final Util of 62% less than Europe as a whole (77%), RPD increased by +8% since Mid July as demand returned.
August – +1 increase in fleet reflects surge in demand (+27% in Days on rent since Mid July review). Util is already at 56% up 12 pts in past two weeks, but behind last year (72%).

July – Strong final Util of 86%, despite 20% defleeting at start of Covid period. RPD increased by +3% since Mid July.
August – Fleet has increased by +8% since Mid July review reflecting strong August demand. Days on rent grew by +28%, RPD up 2% Util is 61% 7 pts ahead of last year at same time.

July – Days on rent and RPD grew since mid July reflecting last minute demand, leading to a respectable final Util of 67% (-13 pts behind last year).
August – Very strong days growth (+60%) and minor RPD increase (+1%) as demand is building for this month of travel. Current Util is 48%, only 2 pts behind last year at same time.

Published by
Emmanuel Scuto
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